This post will be used as the landing page for planned features and functionality updates throughout the website.

Overview - Website is currently under development
I am creating my new website which will be released in stages bit by bit. Some sections might be locked or disabled at the moment but the website will gradually evolve with new content and features added periodically.
All the content will be design focused and will consist of articles, tutorials and various digital assets for download. Not all the features are implemented yet and only limited content is available so be sure to check back.
Nov 2023: I had to rethink the way I want to proceed with running the website, what I should keep and what to change or remove. I have designed a mascot character to bring a bit of fun to the website which I will add. Also need to plan and create some videos on YouTube.
Mar 2023: Wow, life happened and caused many delays. Making various layout changes and website speed improvements. I have also designed a new mascot which I hope brings the final touch in completing the site.
Sep 2021: Many delays due to Covid-19, technical issues and other personal reasons. I have started the process up again and will do my best to create a fun website. I am currently creating some artwork to give a bit more life and fun to the website.
June 2019: I have transferred the “locker” and updated CSS/JS files across from test server. The next step is to finalise, transfer and test the custom “asset download” functionality.
May 2019: I have made some general website updates, code optimisations, transferred the “likes” and “bookmarks” files across from test server. The next step is to finalise, transfer and test the “locker” functionality.
Feb 2019: I have now completed some more documentation and have started creating content for articles. I am also continuing to work on core functionality, making general updates and testing the system.
Jan 2019: I have simplified some sections and reduced some unnecessary code. Several of the core functionality items are almost complete. So much effort has gone in to creating the backbone structure.
Dec 2018: I am in the last phase of core functionality web development. I am focusing on the most complex features first and will add more functionality after launch.
General Setup
- Install and setup CMS (WordPress)
- Install and setup multi-purpose responsive theme
- Install and setup plugins
Web Design (Stage 1)
- Create custom CSS to modify/style theme
- Create custom CSS to modify/style plugins
- Take photos, edit and modify them for web use
- Design and create graphics for web use
- Create integral pages and content (static/dynamic)
Web Development (Stage 1)
- Add/Modify re-write rules, redirects, cache, zip, etc
- Create custom taxonomy
- Create additional shortcodes
- Create Log In functionality, shortcode and page
- Create Log Out functionality
- Create Lost Password functionality, shortcode and page
- Create Reset Password functionality, shortcode and page
Web Development (Stage 2)
- Create post/page Like functionality and shortcode (Member feature) [Completed]
- Create Content Lock functionality and shortcode [Completed]
- Create Member Registration functionality, shortcode and page [Completed]
- Create Membership Payment functionality (PayPal integration) [90% Complete – Testing]
Web Development (Stage 3)
- Create Member Dashboard page [Completed]
- Create Add-on functionality, shortcode and page [Completed]
- Create Add-on Payment functionality (PayPal integration) [90% Complete – Testing]
- Create Member Payment History functionality, shortcode and page [90% Complete – Testing]
- Create Member Profile functionality, shortcode and page [70% Complete]
- Ability to update personal info [Completed]
- Ability to change password [Completed]
- Ability to change email [20% Complete]
- NEW IDEA: Ability to change newsletter preferences [Planning]
- NEW IDEA: Create Bookmark member functionality and shortcode [Completed]
- Ability to bookmark Posts/Pages/Assets
- Bookmark section in member account with a list of bookmarks
- Bookmarks to be displayed as list with title, excerpt, category, tags, etc.
- Simple filtering [Updated filter to include Pin and Favourite]
- NEW IDEA: Ability to “Pin” and “Favourite” bookmarks [Completed]
Content (Stage 1)
- Create content for Privacy Policy
- Create content for Cookies notification
- Create content for Contact forms
- Create content for Terms of Service
Content (Stage 2)
- Create content for Posts (Preliminary set)
- Create content for Assets (Preliminary set)
- Local server testing
- Live server testing
Design news
Stay in the loop with my design related articles, reviews and tutorials on this website by visiting SL design overview